One thing Julia found most upsetting was the fact that she is of Jewish descent, just like Rothschild are reported to be, in spite of which she was taken in by her coreligionists with false promises of Inheritance Tax benefits and regular income. The Daily Mail covered her story and yet, Rothschild deny any wrongdoing. They are currently basing their legal defence on 2 items:

  1. That they were only the lenders and were instucted by the clients to invest the proceed in a specific product, without them ever providing any financial investment.
  2. That the network of “financial cowboys” they employed, some of them on the warned list of UK and Spanish financial regulators, were actually not appointed by them, but by the customers, at their own peril, and as such they cannot take responsibility.
Before making the above silly statements Steve Dewsnip, currently managing a football club, had already shared the following with his devoted customers:
By employing two full-time credit analysts within our Banking Team dedicated to researching and analysing offshore mutual funds, we are able to accept a wide range of investments provided by major fund management groups as collateral for CreditSelect Loans.
CreditSelect has been so well received that we have had to restrict its availability to just a handful of quality introducing intermediaries throughout the world