One thing Julia found most upsetting was the fact that she is of Jewish descent, just like Rothschild are reported to be, in spite of which she was taken in by her coreligionists with false promises of Inheritance Tax benefits and regular income. The Daily Mail covered her story and yet, Rothschild deny any wrongdoing. They are currently basing their legal defence on 2 items:
- That they were only the lenders and were instucted by the clients to invest the proceed in a specific product, without them ever providing any financial investment.
- That the network of “financial cowboys” they employed, some of them on the warned list of UK and Spanish financial regulators, were actually not appointed by them, but by the customers, at their own peril, and as such they cannot take responsibility.
Before making the above silly statements Steve Dewsnip, currently managing a football club, had already shared the following with his devoted customers:
By employing two full-time credit analysts within our Banking Team dedicated to researching and analysing offshore mutual funds, we are able to accept a wide range of investments provided by major fund management groups as collateral for CreditSelect Loans.
CreditSelect has been so well received that we have had to restrict its availability to just a handful of quality introducing intermediaries throughout the world.NMR DISPATCH AUTUMN 2001
I suppose they need to make some idiotic defence up, they are hardly likely to lay down and play dead. No doubt erva and their lawyers will have discovered enough hard evidence to expose their defence as they have exposed Rothschild.
What a terrible thing to happen to such a lady. Of course she is not the only victim as has been reported on this site. I really hope that Rothschild do the right thing and own up to their mistakes and put these matters to right. We all know what has transpired as well as Rothschild so be honest (that was a stupid remark) of mine. Good luck Julie and all you other victims.
What has happened to this Steve Dewsnip anyway. I wonder which team he is managing, seems a long way from a Rothschild Director. Perhaps the Rothschild board sussed him out and gave him the “boot” maybe he is better suited to football he made a mess of equity release. Still it seems he has left enough damming evidence behind to fill his stadium.
I doubt if any victims were told when they signed up that they were, in fact, borrowing from a different company from the one that had sold them the product. I know I certainly wasn’t, as far as I was concerned “Rothschild” had sold the deal to me and I signed up with “Rothschild”, even though, as we now know, they were two different “Rothschild”. If Rothschild were intending to use this as their defence then the fact should have been made clear to the clients before they were asked to sign. I had some correspondence with a director of NM Rothschild, London last year and in almost every letter he trotted out the “we are only the lender” nonesense. As for the client selecting the investment, there was a short list of one to choose from.
I’m very pleased to hear that Dewsnip lost his job, I hope his team gets relegated.
Terry, as we all know there has been some skulduggery going on. The preverbial mushroom treatment has been at work, “feed them bull s………….”and keep them in the dark. As was reported recently in the Spanish Press, a judge in Barcelona after indicting the CEO for fraud in financial mis selling, it was not only what was said but what was not said that is important This was a crucial element in his judgement. No matter, Antonio has a wealth of information tying all these things together. As you probably read in one of erva posts, Rothschild will be reported to the Mercantils Court. in Malaga in December.