Landsbanki in liquidation (perpetual it seems) and Jyske Bank are trying everything within their reach to have their cases extracted from Spanish Court and dealt with unfamiliar and likely bank-friendly jurisdictions, such as Luxembourg and Denmark.

However, Spanish Courts will have none of that and have confirmed, on appeal too, that at least 9 cases brought by lawyers
on behalf of equity release victims- -Lawbird Legal Services represented by Juan Martínez Soler in this case- against Landsbanki will be entirely ventilated in Spain and, equally, in no less than 3 cases brought against Jyske Bank will also be heard before Spanish judges.
The main argument Spanish banks are invoking is an exclusive jurisdiction clause tied up to the place of location of the property, known in latin as ” La Lex loci rei sitæ “.
It is imperative that we Victims of these banks act in accordance with the Spanish laws against Lansbani, Danske and Jysje by taking these banks to our local jurisdictions as soon as possible
We ttok Jyske Bank to court in 2015 and it is now 2021 and we are still no nearer knowing if we have a house or not it has been with the High Court since November 2019 hopefully we don’t have to drag this out much longer as the wait and worry is ruining our health.
Dear Mrs Andrew,
Hopefully you should be receiving notification form the High Court shortly. Court proceedings take time and this pandemic situation has caused further delays due to courts being closed for several months.In any case, please note that you still own your property, Jyske does have a charge (mortgage) on it, but you still own it. This is something which your lawyer can confirm by requesting a nota simple from the Land Registry Office.
Kind regards,
Dear Mrs Andrew I am in a similar situation with JYSKE, but in France, and I just opened the case, because I found out about the horrible situation I am in after my husband passed away last year. You have all my sympathy.
Lisbeth Rose