Mr. Klaus “Monster” Pedersen has been requested to attend an interrogation at the Courts in Fuengirola in relation to his role in devising, approving and selling a tax evasion Equity Release Product.
Mr. Pedersen is the Managing Director of Danske Bank International S.A. and ultimately responsible for selling mortgages in Spain on the pretext that they would alleviate the burden of Spanish Inheritance Taxes. He is accused by a number of expats of fraudulent publicity.
Well Done lets see if he turns up.
I would love to have the opportunity to ask him to answer some questions with a simple “YES or NO”.
Monster Pedersen has been interviewed in Denmark by the Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tiden by Peter Nyholm on the 9/1/2014 In his interview he was told that Antonio Flores had told Nyholm there are about 100 victims to which Pedersen answered “I cannot agree with that figure, I simple don’t know what he is talking about”! Nyholm asks, well how many were then?
Pedersen’s answer ” It is only a few and I don’t know where he gets that figure from- ” IT IS WAY OUT”!!
He continues by saying that it is a ten year case, which was earlier lost in a civil case(as we all know)
It is a few people that are are to do everything they can to get out of paying their loans back, because they are now in a difficult situation!!
He then is asked by Peter “what is your view about the accusation you have mislead customers and therefore committed fraud!!??
Pedersen answers ” I am irritated about this. That is the way it is to run a business, you cannot avoid running into these problems!!” Nyholm “will you dismiss, there is nothing valid in this”
Pedersen “I WILL COMPLETELY DISMISS THIS, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN THIS CLAIM!!??”” Nyholm ” in your material it states that there is a tax advantage”?
Pedersen “To me that is just ordinary information about how things function!!?
Therefore Klaus Monster Pedersen answer me.
Is the product legal (see Spanish tax letter stating it is illegal to re-mortgage and use the proceeds to try and reduce IHT.) YES OR NO?
Is it legal to use a world wide company’s name to promote your product without their permission. (See letter of denial to this right by KPMG.) YES OR NO?
Andrew Duff MEP has written to the European Tax commissionaire for TAX and FRAUD stating that “the banks customers took out these contracts on the basis OF AN ILLICIT PROPOSITION using the above reasons, Therefore is your product legal? YES OR NO.
That ladies and gentlemen is what I would love to ask the monster.
I will leave for you to draw your own conclusions.
Best wishes and luck to us all
aase and robin carter.
Once these “financial-advisor-crooks” drain elderly people of their easily available “liquid” assets (savings, bank accounts etc.) they turn their attention to any valuable assets that can be converted into cash, particularly their houses!
Equity release is ALL about laying hands on assets. If they can trick you into turning these into cash (on the false pretext that you will save tax or give you a “better return”) they can then put your money into a Premier Group type “investment fund” that serves to make them and the Fund managers rich but you a pauper …
But these con artists don´t stop at houses. One elderly lady was persuaded that cashing in her rock solid Marks and Spencer pension to put the proceeds in one of their Ponzi funds would give her a “higher” income. And they even tried to persuade another elderly lady that selling her late husband’s collection of three vintage cars would be a good “investment”. Luckily she didn´t and the cars have more than doubled in value!
Beware. Elderly people´s “assets” are not safe whilst these people are about… and once they turn them into cash to “invest” into one of their rubbish investment funds they will be lucky to see much of their money ever again!