The Olive Press newspaper has published that a law firm acting for equity release victims has demanded that Baron David de Rothschild appears in Court.
Mr. Rothschild, former Chairman of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, is considered to be the ultimate responsible person of allowing the bank’s advertising to be published in this country.
The referred literature includes an open invitation to register a Spanish property with a mortgage loan to, according to Rothschild, reduce Spanish Inheritance Tax.
Article 282 of the Spanish Criminal Code establishes the following:
Manufacturers or traders who make false claims or declare untrue features in their offers or publicity of products or services, so as to cause serious, manifest harm to consumers, without prejudice to the relevant punishment for having committed other felonies, shall be punished with a sentence of imprisonment of six months to one year or fine from twelve to twenty- four months.
The petition for formal indictement and summons has been filed through the Denia Courts, currently investigating a fraud claim institigated in 2011 by Fuengirola firm IURA.
Stephen Dewsnip and Mark Coutanch, both named and charged in the above criminal proceedings, have failed to attend a hearing and as a result, have been issued with 2 warrants.
Rothschild has been eagerly avoiding being linked to fraudulent lending and has denied liability.
When dealing with matters involving banks and fund managers based in secretive tax havens such as Gibraltar, Luxembourg and the Isle of Man it should always be remembered that the “governments” of these shady places are engage in protecting corrupt practices and prepared to turn a blind eye to the fraudulent use of financial products – providing it suits them and is profitable in their greedy and grubby process of cheating innocent people out of their money.
Yes off shore tax havens are black holes where ordinary folks lose their money and rich people collect it. Their very existence is a travesty as tax payers are defrauded of milliions by multi nationals on a daily basis. There is a class of people in the UK who feel it is against their very principles to pay tax, normally they are rich.
How right you are. Let’s hope that the courts are strong enough to summons Baron de Rothschild to court to explain the actions of his Jersey based banking operation. If he isn’t aware now he soon will be as he will want to have chapter and verse before appearing before the courts. I suspect however that there will be many legal arguments before this is finalised. Keep applying the pressure Antonio we are all behind you.
From what I have read in these posts it looks like someone will be having a holiday in sunny Spain before too long at the pleasure of his Majesty the King. It will be much warmer than Jersey that is for sure. Needless to say nothing could be plainer and for sure serious harm has been caused to many hundreds of pensioners.