@paul active 11 years ago-
paul posted an update 11 years ago
We all would like to think that Rothschild´s, Barclays and other UK banks involved uphold high standards of banking practice .Commissioner Holland has given his verdict on the legal requirements of the FSA. This is his position as he has very clearly laid out. It is a complicated issue to deal with .
However there is a moral responsibility to…[Read more]
paul posted an update 11 years, 5 months ago
for Martin, check your messages and ring me , Thanks
paul posted an update 11 years, 8 months ago
The article below is an interestung statement from Mr Jenkins Barclays CEO.
If ever their was a situation when Barclays ”got it wrong” it would be the position that Barclays find its self in and the failings of the bank to accept responsibility for all those people affected by the schemes the bank promoted in Spain.
I once again call…[Read more]
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
Clearly Mr Morley knew what Barclays were doing . This Q and A interview is found on http://www.trustnet .com
David Morley, fund manager, Crystal Asset Management
Q: What was the motivation behind setting up firstly the equity Sequoia Balanced Fund?
A: “That was primarily to manage an inheritance tax mitigation scheme…[Read more]
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
Chrissie. Good luck I am sure we all wish you well
paul posted a new activity comment 11 years, 9 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Spanish Taxman Warns Again: Equity Release to Mitigate IHT is Tax Fraud Spanish Tax Office is insistent: customers are exposed to tax fraud if equity release mortgages are deducted from the […] ViewThanks for posting this very important document. Barclays will now have to think of a way to explain this to its customers
This document clearly states what Barclays and other banks have done is to encourage clients (unknowingly) to commit tax fraud.
It will be interesting to see how Barclays try to explain the position they are in. They…[Read more] -
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
addressing the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards joint committee, set up in the wake of the Libor-fixing scandal at Barclays, Sir David said in the recent past boards and banks had “not focused on culture”.
“If anyone in the organisation faces any decision that he or she is…[Read more] -
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Barclays customers.. Note re GERRY GOWANS He is working for Nautilus trust. I understand that several Barclays customers are with this trust company. The extract is fom the Naurilus web page (NO LONGER AVAILABLE).
Barclays , What is going on !!! . How much more do you need to see before you accept some responsibility.!!!
Gerry joined…[Read more]
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi All, Could we please have a copy of the letter from the Dgt so we will be able to show this to our banks . I am a Barclays customer , this document will be of great use to me and I am sure others. Thanks
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi No ”drag ” needed Mr Gowans is the gentelman to the right sporting what looks like a Barclays tie [ very smart ]
Any one who knows where he is now please let me know. -
paul posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
I Believe Barclays should do the rite thing for their clients, by doing so they will be leading the way for the other banks involved. I have several contracts form different banks and they are all almost the same. The main difference is that the regulations in some country’s are not as robust as those in the U.K.
Barclays are at least…[Read more]
paul posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, The Lies of Barclays London on Equity Release Barclays´ letters seem to dig a hole deeper for them whether it is to insist about the inheritance tax benefits (they still believe it […] ViewHow strange that Barclays bank should tell this customer that the sole purpose of the bank was to facilitate the loan . Would the shareholders of the bank not expect the bank to insist that firms it worked with were at least regulated and gave good sound advice. It would not be acceptable for any company to give loans and Mortgages without due…[Read more]
paul posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: gerrya posted an update Good morning everyone. I am wondering if anyone has received the following type of letter and what action they have taken if any? From: Hi Gerry I want to discuss with […] ViewHi Gerry.
This sounds to me like a divide and conker scheme . I would say that this is not a standstill agreement unless it is written in law. If the investments fail you once again are taking a step backwards. Proceed with utmost caution and consult a lawyer in Spain or the UK.. ANTONIO FLORES would be the lawyer I would recommend . THE SMALL…[Read more] -
paul posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi All. In respaonce to Gareths post .Sometime back you good people of evra wrote…
Neil. Our lawyers state that the document does not clarify this position specifically, however we have a subsequent email that does 100%. IHT is treated as per the Wealth Tax. We are waiting for the document from the Tax Office that encompasses both rulings, as…[Read more]
paul posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
should be Unregistered. sorry
paul posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
After reading many posts on this site I must say 1. We are not all pensioners
2. not all IFAs were inregistered. -
paul posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
Eddie If the legal or illegal IFA has no assets or insurance then even if you win you will not get i cent back. if your case is older than 6 years you will not be able to take action inthe U.K you will be able to take action in Spain Probably only against the bank as the IFA s INVOLVED HAVE ALL SCARPERED. the banks however should not have being…[Read more]
Paul & Eddie. Does it really matter if the IFA’s have scarpered. From what I understand that if the advice given by the IFA’s that these schemes were for the purpose of evading taxes, whether Wealth Tax or IHT then the courts have ruled that the contract should be made null & void. And does it matter if the IFA’s are not around to defend their…[Read more]
paul posted an update 13 years, 3 months ago
hi all ,I note that no mention here of Barclays. I am awair that thair are others who took out an inheritance tax avoidance plan through a registered ifa here in spain, barclays say they did no rong and gave no advice on investments etc. if anyone knows any other Barclays clients please ask them to e mail me at
paul became a registered member 13 years, 3 months ago
Paul & Gareth.
In response to both these posts. The Tax Office was very clear in their email to our lawyers and treated IHT in the same way as the Wealth Tax. In other words you cannot take out a loan for the purpose of avoiding taxes. This is not a mortgage loan as it was not taken out for the purpose of a mortgage, it is simply a personal loan.…[Read more]