• Hi Sonmaties

    It appears that my friends definitely agree with your thoughts. They are literally flat broke and will be unable to repay any of the cash advance made by Rothschild or the Valuation fees charged, […]

  • Good morning everyone

    Over the last week or so I have been in the company of a number of visitors from the U.K. who also bought into the Rothschild scam at the same time that I did. (Some really sad […]

    • Hi Gerry,re your post about the ‘standstill agreement’.I was offered this by Rothschild,and backed up by Eamon Bermingham,last year,but it’s only taking money out of your fund to reduce the “loan”,So you’re in exactly the same position,but I had joined the other “victims”,and the case against Rothschild with Antonio Flores,so didn’t enter into…[Read more]

  • gerrya posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    Good morning everyone.
    I am wondering if anyone has received the following type of letter and what action they have taken if any?

    From: eamon@ihfs.eu

    Hi Gerry

    I want to discuss with you Rothschild offer of a Standstill Agreement.
    Here 3 years interest is deducted from the investment.
    This interest is immediately applied against the loan.
    In…[Read more]

    • Hi Gerry.
      This sounds to me like a divide and conker scheme . I would say that this is not a standstill agreement unless it is written in law. If the investments fail you once again are taking a step backwards. Proceed with utmost caution and consult a lawyer in Spain or the UK.. ANTONIO FLORES would be the lawyer I would recommend . THE SMALL…[Read more]

  • Good morning

    Much like Kenneth, I am also a victim of the Hamilton’s / Rothschilds SCAM.

    I am also looking at possible eviction from my home with all my life savings disappearing into the […]

  • gerrya became a registered member 12 years, 8 months ago