alexwells posted an update in the group
Jyske Bank Victims 3 years, 8 months ago
Any recent success with litigations against the former FINANSBANKEN?
My grandparents got done, and since my Grandfathers passing I’ve been waiting on Lawbird to act but no real success on that front. I’m out to either seek someone to help or any directions to take as next steps as its been far too long and we just tired of not seeing any justice. -
alexwells joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 3 years, 8 months ago
jfbpgh joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 3 years, 10 months ago
billmac posted an update in the group
Jyske Bank Victims 6 years, 10 months ago
Our debt has increased substantially and we are having to pay 185 euros a month to help service the interest. At age 82 it’s not how I thought life would be.
billmac joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 6 years, 10 months ago
Austinhooper joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 7 years, 11 months ago
leestempniak joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 7 years, 11 months ago
fifipog7 joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 9 years, 10 months ago
cosin posted an update in the group
Jyske Bank Victims 11 years, 6 months ago
My name is José Cosín, solicitor. One of my clients has been scammed by Jyske Bank. We will file a criminal complaint for their businesses criminalized that drive from Gibraltar. They will not come away with their crimes.
Hi Jose
Has the Court accepted your complaint?
I have the case, but I have not begun, yet, as I am looking for more victims of their criminal business.
Hi Jose,
Welcome to erva. As you will see if you research this site there may be information you can use.
Another way is to speak with Antonio Flores of Lawbird, our lawyers who may be able to help.
cosin joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 11 years, 6 months ago
mikeyj posted an update in the group
Jyske Bank Victims 11 years, 8 months ago
Jyske Bank has just notified my mother that they have removed the last of the equity loan capital from where it was invested by OMM (totally in Irish property!) leaving nothing of the original loan value. This was to make the loan/equity ratio ‘acceptable’. Not sure what will happen after a few months of compounded interest charges and the loan…[Read more]
I am wondering how you managed to get Jykse bank to remove the original loan value? I am in the process of asking Jykse to do exactly this, and make the loan/equity ratio more ‘acceptable’ , as you say. If you can provide me with any help as to the procedure you followed to have this successful outcome, then I would greatly appreciate it.
utecostablanca joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 12 years, 6 months ago
ruthy9 joined the group
Jyske Bank Victims 12 years, 8 months ago
admin created the group
Jyske Bank Victims 13 years, 5 months ago
If you want us to review your documents and see if we are able to help you, you can email us at info@erva.es