lancelot commented on the post, Round Up of Equity Release Decisions 5 years, 5 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Round Up of Equity Release Decisions ERVA has compiled a list of known Equity Release Court rulings. The Courts have all found in favour of the victims and ordered the mortgage loans to be […] ViewIt is now 23 months since the Bilboa court declared what SLM did was illegal SLM as expected appealed to the Supreme Court. Has anybody any idea when a final ruling will be made?
lancelot commented on the post, Lunch with Stephen Dewsnip, former "Rothschild" Director 10 years, 3 months ago
Has Costa Del Sol Action Group Changed its policy? Because when I realised I had been ripped off by Henry Woods I contacted a Steve Bicknell of CDSAG and was requested to pay 100 euros to have a lawyer recommended […]
lancelot commented on the post, Premier Group (Isle of Man) Limited and SLM Group To Face Legal Action in Bilbao 10 years, 4 months ago
Why has this success taken so long? Does anybody remember a Carolyn & Henry Bowen claiming success against Landsbanki back in March 2011 allegedly achieved by Salvador Martinez-Echevarria. The same lawyer that […]
lancelot posted an update 10 years, 9 months ago
Just been informed by Liberty Seguros that the legal insurance stated on their policies does not cover for legal action against financial fraud. No surprises there then.
We were told when signing up that only Liberty Seguros would cover the insurance for this particular plan! I now know this not to be true! Backhanders??????
After 2 x 20min visits by “assessors”, damage caused by an earthquake last April was deemed to be “subsidence” by one & “foundations” by another. I wouldn’t touch them with a bargepole!!!!
lancelot commented on the post, SLMH and Henry Woods, Equity Release fraud at its best 11 years, 11 months ago
If and when SLMH respond to this lawyers letter will the reply be made public on the ERVA site? There is a number of ERVA members that are desperate for a positive response from SLMH.
lancelot commented on the post, Former Rothschild Lawyer Failed to Spot Fraudulent Valuation 11 years, 11 months ago
We informed Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo of the Hacienda’s letter stating that Equity Release for Fiscal Planning is Tax Fraud and what effect this would have in respect the scam by Henry Woods and their cohorts, but […]
lancelot commented on the post, SPAIRS: Cunning Names and Henry Woods 12 years, 1 month ago
Has anybody had any success at communicating with Snr Salvador Martinez-Echevarria of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo? After receiving an email back in March 2011 from them extolling their expertise and commitment we […]
Beware, I too was originally with Salvador & eventually, with great difficulty, dispensed with his “services” & am now with Antonio Flores. If you would like more info, my e-mail is celiagardner96@gmail.com
lancelot posted an update 12 years, 1 month ago
Reports refering to the latest judgment from the Spanish Courts seem very positive and I hope that those caught up in the Luxemburg & Iceland banks swindles will obtain a satisfactory outcome. Does anybody know whether this decision will effect the people conned by Henry Woods and other “finacial advisers” and the monies placed with SLM and…[Read more]
Hi Lancelot. Our plan through Antonio, is to issue as many writs as we can to various courts against several banks asking for the mortgage loan to be declared “null & void” where appropriate. It really makes no difference whether it is a bank an unregulated IFA or Mortgage Company, if they fall into one of the categories mentioned in the posts you…[Read more]
lancelot joined the group
Rothschild Victims 12 years, 1 month ago
lancelot commented on the post, Former Rothschild Lawyer Failed to Spot Fraudulent Valuation 12 years, 1 month ago
When we were contacted by Salvador back in March 2011 we were quoted that their fees would be 2000€, but to date we had no request for payment has been made even though money has been offered. We do not […]
lancelot commented on the post, Former Rothschild Lawyer Failed to Spot Fraudulent Valuation 12 years, 1 month ago
Does anybody know of a joint action against any of the crooks that conned us with the Equity Release scam?
Back in July 2010 we contacted an organisation called New Costa del Sol Action Group run by a gentleman […] -
lancelot commented on the post, Former Rothschild Lawyer Failed to Spot Fraudulent Valuation 12 years, 1 month ago
We were conned by a rep from Henry Woods but the mortgage they arranged ended up in the hands of an organisation called SLM Funding in Fareham and those funds were placed wtih The Premier Balanced Fund Plc.Has […]
lancelot became a registered member 12 years, 1 month ago
woggygolf,I also paid 100e to have a lawyer.