• celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years ago

    In reply to: bustedflush commented on the post, Baron David de Rothschild to be Summoned in France Hi thanks for your reply. The thing is I am not understanding why people who petition to save stray cats get thousands of […] View

    I know when I read the petition I thought that it would have been more successful if the wording had incorporated ALL Banks,Financial Institutions etc as Rothchilds is only one of many & as there are no precedents in Spain, except under very stringent circumstances & approved by the High Court in Madrid, a successful outcome of Rothchilds cases…[Read more]

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago

    In reply to: bustedflush posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims If you cant be bothered to sign for your own sake why should anyone else care? View

    Hi Jean. Phew, I don’t know how but I´ve done it!!! or rather I think I have? Can you confirm its ok please.
    Thanks for your help.

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago

    In reply to: bustedflush posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims If you cant be bothered to sign for your own sake why should anyone else care? View

    I have tried several times to access the link to the petition & sign but the message tells me the server is having problems and it is encrypted. Not being particularly computer savvy, any ideas please?.

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 3 months ago

    In reply to: celiag commented on the post, Norwegian Claimants Win Equity Release Case Against Danske Bank International S.A. My thoughts exactly! Ive been figting Banco del Gottardo /Swiss Life for 7 years & with no […] View

    Thank you for replying & I would have sent you this post as a private email but don’t know to.
    I have sent emailed requests for updates or left my phone number in 2014: 24thMarch,10th April,
    4th Aug, 6th Aug,9th Sept, 23rd Sept, 17th Nov – none of which have been replied to!
    The last time I managed to get through to Antonio was 8th May when…[Read more]

  • My thoughts exactly! Ive been figting Banco del Gottardo /Swiss Life for 7 years & with no correspondence from them, or updating since a year ago from Lawbird, am wondering what on earth is happening to mine & […]

    • Hello Celiag.
      It may be wise to get in touch with your lawyers and ask for an update.

      • Thank you for replying & I would have sent you this post as a private email but don’t know to.
        I have sent emailed requests for updates or left my phone number in 2014: 24thMarch,10th April,
        4th Aug, 6th Aug,9th Sept, 23rd Sept, 17th Nov – none of which have been replied to!
        The last time I managed to get through to Antonio was 8th May when…[Read more]

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 3 months ago

    In reply to: erva commented on the post, Norwegian Claimants Win Equity Release Case Against Danske Bank International S.A. This has certainly got all the tongues wagging this morning. It just goes to show how well this web […] View

    Good news & another step forward. I have asked before but didn’t receive any replies but I would really love to know if anyone else has their case filed into court & awaiting a hearing??

  • celiag posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago

    Eddie, did you receive an answer to your question to Antonio re. court date?

  • celiag posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago

    Congratulations on a good result for Busted Flush!
    Has anyone else got their claim filed into court & awaiting a hearing?

  • I certainly do. He acted on my behalf & after 3 years of being left in the dark etc. etc., I dispensed with his services & went with another well-known solicitor. Another 3 years have passed & I am getting the […]

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: pjames commented on the post, List of Owners With A Tax Defrauding Nordea Equity Release 'Managed Capital Plan' Contract What a long list this is. I see that it mentions the Marbella area only, the majority of […] View

    Been there, done that, but thank you for trying.
    I shall watch out for the judgement in October against Rothchilds–fingers crossed!

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: pjames commented on the post, List of Owners With A Tax Defrauding Nordea Equity Release 'Managed Capital Plan' Contract What a long list this is. I see that it mentions the Marbella area only, the majority of […] View

    Thank you for your reply & I appreciate the work you do. If it wasn´t for your site, I would be very much in the dark!
    The Bank I signed up with is Banco del Gottardo, Switzerland, though Graydon offices in Denia, & unknown to me, they then sold it on to Swiss Life which has complicated matters even further.
    I am now with Anthony Flores from…[Read more]

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: pjames commented on the post, List of Owners With A Tax Defrauding Nordea Equity Release 'Managed Capital Plan' Contract What a long list this is. I see that it mentions the Marbella area only, the majority of […] View

    Not only is it a long list of names with Nordea in the Marbella area, there are many more banks involved, some of which are lesser & rarely get a mention, both in the Marbella area, Alicante, (of which I am one) & other areas.
    The ERVA site, whilst at times the only source of any information, seems to follow the actions of the “big boys”; can it…[Read more]

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 9 years, 12 months ago

    In reply to: bustedflush posted an update A good day in court I think we can feel encouraged. The judge now has to decide. Aug is holiday so early autumn maybe if not before. View

    I wholeheartedly second all good wishes

  • celiag posted an update 10 years ago

    Has anyone any information about the outcome of court case against Rothchilds heard today at Marbella?????

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 10 years, 1 month ago

    In reply to: lancelot posted an update Just been informed by Liberty Seguros that the legal insurance stated on their policies does not cover for legal action against financial fraud. No surprises there then. View

    We were told when signing up that only Liberty Seguros would cover the insurance for this particular plan! I now know this not to be true! Backhanders??????
    After 2 x 20min visits by “assessors”, damage caused by an earthquake last April was deemed to be “subsidence” by one & “foundations” by another. I wouldn’t touch them with a bargepole!!!!

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 10 years, 2 months ago

    In reply to: eddie posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims Could someone please give me an update as to what is happening with regards to Rothschild court case as I am currently not in Spain. I have read some of the […] View

    I am in a minority with a lesser bank i.e. Banco del Gottardo/Swiss Life & ANY update from ANY source would be very welcome!
    However, it was very disconcerting to learn that there are no precedents in Spain UNLESS 3 identical in every aspect cases are sent to Madrid for approval to be set as a precedent. So those of us who were anxiously awaiting…[Read more]

  • celiag posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago

    No, I haven´t heard of this miracle.
    At the risk of being over-simplistic, what I am having trouble understanding is as the Hacienda have officially announced the IHT advertised element is fraud, & CNMV have officially stated that certain banks/financial instituations have been operating “clandestinely & furtively” & without a Spanish licence,…[Read more]

  • celiag posted a new activity comment 10 years, 6 months ago

    In reply to: admin wrote a new post, The Premier Group (Isle of Man) Limited Operating Clandestinely   The Spanish regulator CNMV has confirmed that the Premier Group is a clandestine operation in respect to its […] View

    My hopes are raised!!!! Antonio has done a brilliant job of winkling out these lesser heard of scam participants.
    Is “clandestine” a legal euphemism in Spain for “illegal” & so is now officially acknowledged as such?
    If so, what effect does this have on our claims?

  • neilh and Profile picture of celiagceliag are now friends 10 years, 11 months ago

  • celiag posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    Now that the papers relating to the case against Rothchilds have been filed into court, (June 7th), whilst I am with another bank, I´m sure there are a lot of victims that would be interested to know what happens next?
    Does anyone know, please?

    • Hello Celiag. According to our Lawyers, Lawbird. Antonio has explained to erva that the papers will be accepted into court and a date given for an initial hearing. At his hearing both parties will present to the judge or judges all the evidence which they rely on to prove their case. After which the judge will set a date for the hearing. Normally…[Read more]

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