• hansy121 posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    who are you?

  • hansy121 posted an update in the group Group logo of Site NewsSite News 10 years, 1 month ago

    What is this?

  • hansy121 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 1 month ago

    In reply to: marsbarkarl116 posted an update Hi I am fairly new to the group.. Has any one appointed a solicitor called Salvadore (at Cremedes). Recommended by the Costa del Sol action group (via John Parsons) and receiving […] View

    Regarding Mr Salvador from next month I will be setting in his office and wait for him,and ask some question. We all suppose to be in Court by now!!

  • hansy121 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 1 month ago

    In reply to: aflores posted an update in the group Nordea Bank Victims Criminal complaint due to be filed on Friday 7/10/2011, for false advertising and swindle by deceipt, on behalf of a private client, against the employees […] View

    Hi Mr Flores and everyone !!
    With reference to SLM Mortgeges Funding N 1 Limited … Iam wondering if any member of the Equity Release Victims Association (ERVA) is using the lawyer Salvador Martínez Echevarria,from the Legal firm of Cremades &Calvo-Sotelo (Marbella) already has their case in…[Read more]