euaninspain commented on the post, Court 4 in Fuengirola voids 9 equity release mortgages taken out by British pensioners 2 months, 1 week ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Court 4 in Fuengirola voids 9 equity release mortgages taken out by British pensioners Esperanza Broz Martorell, presiding over Court of First Instance 4 in Fuengirola, has d […] ViewHere we have another case just like mine against Danske Bank who lost three Court decisions and instructions to cancel the illegal mortgages. No mortgage charges have been cancelled as per Court Orders THREE times!!! Has the Spanish Court got no power in Europe???? Now Danske Bank International has been bought by BNP of Switzerland who…[Read more]
euaninspain commented on the post, ERVA FOUNDER EUAN ARMSTRONG WINS IN COURT! 1 year, 9 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, ERVA FOUNDER EUAN ARMSTRONG WINS IN COURT! Euan Armstrong, President and Founder of the Equity Release Victims’ Association, has finally succeeded in having his 2004 mortgage loan rendered […] ViewEven more sad news for any Danske Bank “INVESTORS”. When Danske Bank International sold to UBP of Switzerland for the sum of 250.000.000 euros and the account managers moved to UBP (For example Johnny Bisgaard of Danske Bank now holds an executive position in UBP????? Yet he was one of the account managers who lost on my “INVESTMENT” ….,.,,…[Read more]
euaninspain's profile was updated 2 years ago
euaninspain posted an update in the group
Danske Bank Victims 2 years ago
Danske Bank International, Luxembourg, was purchased for 250.000.000 euros by United Banking Privee of Switzerland, and they still do not repay the money scammed from me from 2004 until now. The Coin Court of the First Instance sentenced Danske Bank in December 2021 to cancel mortgages and insurance policies and declare them null and…[Read more]
euaninspain commented on the post, ERVA FOUNDER EUAN ARMSTRONG WINS IN COURT! 2 years ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, ERVA FOUNDER EUAN ARMSTRONG WINS IN COURT! Euan Armstrong, President and Founder of the Equity Release Victims’ Association, has finally succeeded in having his 2004 mortgage loan rendered […] ViewEven more shocking news!!!! Danske Bank International, Luxembourg, who accepted 250.000.000 euros for their business in February 2022 have still not settled the scam they did on my property in 2004. They lost two Court cases even after being sentenced by the Court of First Instance in Coin in December 2021 to cancel the mortgage and Insurance…[Read more]
euaninspain commented on the post, International Property Finance (Spain) Ltd. loses right to file an answer to a claimant's civil suit 4 years, 8 months ago
In reply to: aflores wrote a new post, International Property Finance (Spain) Ltd. loses right to file an answer to a claimant's civil suit International Property Finance’s bid to have its response writ accepted by a […] ViewAs a victim of Danske Bank cheating me I agree with Lawbird that these powerful rich financial institutions such as Rothschild Bank and Swiss Life Luxembourg are delaying as much as they possibly can trying to await the deaths of their victims furthermore in the hope that the old age pensioners will give up trying to sue them for their…[Read more]
tarragona and
euaninspain are now friends 5 years, 8 months ago
euaninspain commented on the post, Danske Bank Luxembourg Agreed to Settle With an 85-year Old British Couple Not Before Extracting an Apology 6 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Danske Bank Luxembourg Agreed to Settle With an 85-year Old British Couple Not Before Extracting an Apology Klaus “Monster” Pedersen, the same high-flying executive who thought to be abo […] ViewIts now ten years since I commenced resisting Danske Bank´s attempts to make me totally peniless and homeless by forcing the sale of my home because Danske Bank and its account managers lost all the investments they made on my behalf. I had no control over where or how these managers would place the mortgage they took over my home and was…[Read more]
euaninspain commented on the post, Summary of Court Questioning of Danske Bank Staff 6 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Summary of Court Questioning of Danske Bank Staff ERVA has received a summary of the interrogation of the Danske Bank staff members from an undisclosed source. Morten Runo Waaben s […] ViewYet another four years has passed since this Court deposition was made available to the public. Since then Danske Bank has been dicovered as a huge illegal criminal money laundering bank and the chief executives fired. These senior management posts and those who advise the clients should be held in prison until the Courts of the countries…[Read more]
euaninspain posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
Check out the above newspaper report of the Guardian about Danske Bank. These thieving bankers are being investigated at long last and have been uncovered…[Read more]
euaninspain posted a new activity comment 6 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: euaninspain posted an update The Swedish Financial Court has received documents attesting that the first Scandinavian bank has not complied with its obligations to combat money laundering. The case could be about […] ViewTHIS IS NOW OUR CHANCE TO HIT THESE BANKS WITH THE OPPORTUNITY TO REPAY THE STOLEN MONEY FROM THE OLD AGE PENSIONERS IN SPAIN, UNITED KINGDOM AND FRANCE. ALL WE WISH IS OUR MORTGAGES CANCELLED AND SOME RECOMPENSE FOR THE BANKS FOR ALL THE PAIN AND MISERY THEY HAVE CAUSED US OVER THE LAST TEN YEARS. SO NORDEA BANK AND DANSKE BANK COULD MAKE…[Read more]
euaninspain posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
The Swedish Financial Court has received documents attesting that the first Scandinavian bank has not complied with its obligations to combat money laundering. The case could be about a hundred million dollars.
After Danske Bank, it is the turn of another Nordic bank, Nordea, to be suspected of laundering dirty money from Russia. The Swedish…[Read more] -
euaninspain posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
Here it is HOT OFF THE PRESS! !!!!!
https://evenement.latribune.fr/10-000-startups-pour-changer-le-monde-2019/Bordea Bank have now been found out as laundering Russian money in Europe as well as Danske Bank so come on Courts in France and Spain and in Great Britain, let us have some justice meted out to the guiiolty parties and please repay the…[Read more]
euaninspain commented on the post, Founder Member and President of ERVA celebrates Court victory over DANSKE BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A. 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Founder Member and President of ERVA celebrates Court victory over DANSKE BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A. Euan Armstrong, member founder and current President of ERVA, has managed to persuade a […] ViewJanne Christgau ….. anybody can contact me at captaineuan@sunnyspain.org and I can sympathise with them and report on my situation. The an to talk to is Antonio Flores at lawbird in Marbella who is fighting for us every inch of the way. His email is aflores@lawbird.com and he willl be very happy to help so please contact him directly and…[Read more]
euaninspain posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Antonio Flores has filed claims against Danske Bank and we await a Court date for a Civil Action…..should be soon as actions were lodged two months ago. Watch this space!!!
euaninspain posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Danske Bank are guilty of Money Laundering and paying bribes of millions through Estonia and have been caught….Now what will happen????
Check this link for yourself:-
euaninspain commented on the post, Case Against Landsbanki: Fuengirola Court confirms that Equity Release Lenders Can Never Be "Just the Lender" and Nullifies a Mortgage Loan 8 years ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Case Against Landsbanki: Fuengirola Court confirms that Equity Release Lenders Can Never Be "Just the Lender" and Nullifies a Mortgage Loan ERVA has had access to a Fuengirola Court […] ViewAs the days go by it would appear that the Equity Release Victims (www.erva.es) are slowly bringing their misery and anger to the attention of the Courts in Spain. Todays ruling by a Fuengirola Court confirms the movement against the robbing banks who have led many pensioners to their deaths through stress and thrown them into the streets by…[Read more]
euaninspain commented on the post, BREAKING NEWS: BILBAO COURT NULLIFIES 12 SLM MORTGAGE LOANS WORTH 6 MILLION EUROS 8 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, BREAKING NEWS: BILBAO COURT NULLIFIES 12 SLM MORTGAGE LOANS WORTH 6 MILLION EUROS Court 11 in Bilbao has invalidated 12 Equity Release IHT mitigation mortgage loans sold to the public by […] ViewAfter the recent entrapment of “BARON” Rothschild on the French television programme when faced with the facts that his bank had approved and signed old age pensioners to a charge against their homes with a false promise of avoiding inheritance tax which helps our cause against the ROTHSCHILDS BANK, DANSKE BANK, JYSKE BANK, NORDEA BANK, BARCLAYS…[Read more]
euaninspain posted an update in the group
Danske Bank Victims 8 years, 3 months ago
Today I have posted into Rothschilds victims group a film made on French television where the investigators question “THE BARON” Rothschild face to face over the Inheritance Tax fraud of victims in the South of Spain. Antonio Flores demonstrates some of the illegal misleading publicity produced by Rothschilds Bank at Seminars on the Costa del…[Read more]
euaninspain posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
From: Linda Yawer
Sent: 18 November 2016 15:35
Subject: WE WON!
Dear folks
Just to let you know that Salvador Martinez informed us this morning that we won our case against Rothschild (we were in Court on 7 April last). Our ‘loan/mortgages’ are therefore null and void and we can proceed to remove the name of Rothschild/International…[Read more] - Load More