• valjon posted a new activity comment 10 years ago

    In reply to: bustedflush posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims Truly shocked our case has to go to appeal in the High Court in Malaga. The court technology failed, the trial was not recorded properly plus the court […] View

    What a farce! How can it take a judge over 7 months to decide that the case had not been properly recorded? I assume that as it was the ineptitude of the Court that meant they could not reach a verdict, that it will be they who bear the costs of ALL the expenses of the retrial. Not a great advertisement for the Spanish judicial system!

    • The longer I have to think about this the more ridiculous the whole story sounds. No we have to pay 4k court fees to register the appeal.
      You have to think whether or not it was an accident or not and then think what will they do next,

  • Great to see that Rothschilds are digging themselves into a deeper hole; what happens next as far as the Spanish judicial system is concerned?

  • valjon posted a new activity comment 10 years, 7 months ago

    In reply to: bustedflush posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims After all this time I am pleased to tell you we have a public hearing against NMR on Tuesday 29th July in the Juzgado de Primera Instancia Avenida Arias […] View

    Great news, we’ll be there to support you with everything crossed!

  • valjon posted an update in the group Group logo of Rothschild VictimsRothschild Victims 11 years, 4 months ago

    regarding the thread about Rothschild having to approve any investments suggested by IFA’s, I have come across a letter from Henry Woods dated 27 March 2007 on just this subject. If you are interested in seeing a copy, perhaps you would let me know how best I can scan and send it to you

    • Bermingham was/is an IFA recognised by Rothschild, and has an active IFA company providing financial advice to many expats.

      Seemingly he has provided ‘unbelievable’ information to this client and it is possible that a number of other people were provided with similar information and entered into ‘dismal’ funds as a consequence and ‘lost a…[Read more]

      • I also was given Bermingham as my IFA,and entered into ‘dismal’ funds and ‘lost a packet’,what an “absolutely brilliant piece of financial advice” we had,can someone tell me why he is still trading…..Thank God for Antonio !!!!!!!!

  • valjon posted an update in the group Group logo of Rothschild VictimsRothschild Victims 11 years, 11 months ago

    Am I right in thinking that the capital invested overseas by the lending bank against the value of the property, must, under the new Spanish tax laws, be declared as an asset to the Tax Office, despite the fact that the investment is in the name of the lending bank?

    • According to our lawyers you are correct in your assumption. The ruling states that as the loan was not for the purpose of purchasing the property, it cannot be deducted from the escritura value, therefor you will have to pay wealth tax on the total amount. It matters not that the funds have been invested abroad and in who’s name they are kept.…[Read more]

  • valjon became a registered member 12 years ago