@gareth active 11 years, 7 months ago-
gareth posted an update in the group
Barclays Bank Victims 11 years, 8 months ago
I may have something for this space soon.
gareth posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
Letter from Barclays 26th April (Summary)’We have reviewed the ruling to which you refer. It relates to Spanish wealth tax only, not inheritance tax and is irelevant’.(abbr) Bank obtained own advice in 2004 and recently and is satisfied that the scheme is legal’.
There is much legal obfustication but I would value comments if any before ‘phoning…[Read more] -
gareth posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 11 years, 10 months ago
I am one of those shown endorsing Henry Woods in their 2005 Brochure and was at a seminar where a Rothschild mad promised Inheritance Tax avoidancw with the scheme. The seminar was at Alhaurin Golf. Does anyone have earlier brochures from Henry Woods, especially for Autumn 2004
gareth commented on the post, Rothschild Equity Release ex-Happy Customers 11 years, 11 months ago
The above picture alarms us. We have become victims and can confirm that none of the wording was ours.
G -
gareth posted an update in the group
Barclays Bank Victims 11 years, 11 months ago
What happens if the original agent is now defunct. Where does the buck stop
Hello Gareth and welcome to erva. You are probably aware of the latest ruling from the Spanish Tax Office. See recent post. We are not aware of which agent/IFA you are referring to and if you were sold the scheme by the Bank or Agent on the noiw false promise of tax savings, if that is the case then get in touch with our lawyers Antonio Flores of…[Read more]
gareth joined the group
Barclays Bank Victims 11 years, 11 months ago
gareth became a registered member 11 years, 11 months ago
Gareth, see recent post. Phone Antonio, I am sure he will agree with this. At least Barclay’s seem to be responding and are aware of what we are doing.