@chrissie22 active 5 years, 4 months ago-
aflores wrote a new post, Pensioner wins Equity Release case against Jyske Bank and SEB LIFE International Assurance Company (previously Irish Life)! 1 year, 7 months ago
Great news for a British pensioner who has just won his equity release case against Jyske Bank and SEB Life.
In a 20-page ruling, the judge in Court 5 of Fuengirola has determined that the equity release […]
euaninspain's profile was updated 2 years ago
euaninspain posted an update in the group
Danske Bank Victims 2 years ago
Danske Bank International, Luxembourg, was purchased for 250.000.000 euros by United Banking Privee of Switzerland, and they still do not repay the money scammed from me from 2004 until now. The Coin Court of the First Instance sentenced Danske Bank in December 2021 to cancel mortgages and insurance policies and declare them null and…[Read more]
aflores wrote a new post, Málaga Appeal Court slams SLM for illegal mortgage selling. 4 years ago
The Málaga Appeal Court has rejected all grounds for appeal brought by SLM (Surrenda Link Mortgages) against the primary ruling by a Court of Instance in Fuengirola.
In the extensive ruling, the Courts […]
aflores wrote a new post, International Property Finance (Spain) Ltd. loses right to file an answer to a claimant's civil suit 4 years, 8 months ago
International Property Finance’s bid to have its response writ accepted by a Fuengirola Court has been rejected for being filed late. “IPFSL”, an Rothschild’s offshoot that operated in Spain without regulatory […]
As a victim of Danske Bank cheating me I agree with Lawbird that these powerful rich financial institutions such as Rothschild Bank and Swiss Life Luxembourg are delaying as much as they possibly can trying to await the deaths of their victims furthermore in the hope that the old age pensioners will give up trying to sue them for their misdemeanours. Also they have not been successful in many of their defences of the Courts actions in Spain and may have fear of more exposure in the Press. Thus we members of the EQUITY RELEASE VICTIMS ASSOCIATION must continue to pursue the banks who robbed us of our savings.
Rothschild dependent entity but they are happy to jump into bed with unregulated so called financial advisers like Hamiltons Financial Services SL and anyone one else that would sell their credit select 4 scam.
aflores wrote a new post, Nykredit and Landsbanki rejected again in bid to remove cases from Spanish Courts. 4 years, 9 months ago
Nykredit and Landsbanki, desperate to avoid Spanish judges examining their corrupted mortgage loans -sold as benign “equity release” tax-avoiding legal instruments- have seen their motions to relocate the […]
aflores wrote a new post, Landsbanki and Jyske Bank are refused to have their cases heard in Luxembourg and Denmark 5 years, 1 month ago
Landsbanki in liquidation (perpetual it seems) and Jyske Bank are trying everything within their reach to have their cases extracted from Spanish Court and dealt with unfamiliar and likely bank-friendly […]
Dear Mrs Andrew,
Hopefully you should be receiving notification form the High Court shortly. Court proceedings take time and this pandemic situation has caused further delays due to courts being closed for several months.In any case, please note that you still own your property, Jyske does have a charge (mortgage) on it, but you still own it. This is something which your lawyer can confirm by requesting a nota simple from the Land Registry Office.Kind regards,
bustedflush posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago
A parliamentary group is to call for a crackdown on scam pension schemes
The Daily Mail exposed tens of thousands had lost up to £10billion in the scams
Army veterans, police officers and firemen were among the workers affected
Many of the victims relied on the fact the schemes were registered with…[Read more] -
eddie posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 5 years, 4 months ago
Will be at the court case on the 12th November 2019 any one else going.
euaninspain posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
Check out the above newspaper report of the Guardian about Danske Bank. These thieving bankers are being investigated at long last and have been uncovered…[Read more]
euaninspain posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
The Swedish Financial Court has received documents attesting that the first Scandinavian bank has not complied with its obligations to combat money laundering. The case could be about a hundred million dollars.
After Danske Bank, it is the turn of another Nordic bank, Nordea, to be suspected of laundering dirty money from Russia. The Swedish…[Read more]-
euaninspain posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
Here it is HOT OFF THE PRESS! !!!!! Bank have now been found out as laundering Russian money in Europe as well as Danske Bank so come on Courts in France and Spain and in Great Britain, let us have some justice meted out to the guiiolty parties and please repay the…[Read more]
bustedflush posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 6 years, 10 months ago
To everyones amazement the case against NMR presented in London has failed. Costs to the litigans 1.!,000,000 pounds.Cartwe Ruck saidto their unfortunate clients
We, at the legal end, are mystified and dismayed by the Judgment. The Judge has swallowed Rothschild’s case to an astonishing degree.
Judges seem to do that as a matter of course.
eddie posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 6 years, 10 months ago
Just a small question
The documents that were signed at the notary for credit select 4 with N M Rothschild & Sons through N M Rothschild & Sons (CI) Limited and with Hamiltons Financial Services SL.
As far as I know N M Rothschild & Sons (CI) Limited,Hamiltons Financial Services SL and Hamiltons representative Duncam Moulder were all unlicensed…[Read more]
Dear Eddie,
The fact that they are not regulated does not affect the signatures. On the title deeds, their names do not appear.
Kind regards,
Whilst I agree with you that they are not on the title deeds. But under the process for credit select 4 their names and signatures appear on the Residents application Form which was noted at the Notary. As they were not licenced or regulated in Spain or even in the UK therefore are they committing a fraudulent act under Spanish law.
eddie posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 6 years, 10 months ago
It seem strange that N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd say that they do not give financial advice when it is plastered all over their website
An informed and impartial perspective to help our clients reach their goals through the design and execution of strategic M&A and financing solutions.
We provide impartial, expert advice to large and mid-sized…[Read more]
aflores wrote a new post, Nykredit and Sydbank Cheated Foreigners with Mortgages Worth Millions 6 years, 10 months ago
Two Danish Companies persuaded British property owners to take out mortgage loans they could not repay
Following the Appeal Court ruling against Nykredit and Sydbank where both defendants have been branded […]
Hi Antonio in the article is said that they were operating without a license would this apply to all the IFA that have been involved in all this or just the banks and what is the licence . Also what law does it come under in Spain.
Tip of the iceberg as more banks are being exposed as being involved in illegal equity release schemes promoted by illegal Spanish based companies employing illegal “financial advisors” hawking illegal products operated from less than savoury tax evasion havens such as the Isle of Man, Guernsey, Luxemburg and now Denmark!
Well done to all those brave people who refuse to give up the fight against cowardly scoundrels who prey on elderly people. First class result!
..Great news again for all those scammed by banks peddling illegal investments/life insurance products. It has taken a lot of time but now month by month the courts are hearing all these cases and ruling in favour of the luckless ex-pats.
Great news yet again for all victims of the the now infamous equity release/Insurance scams.
Dear Nick,
Many thanks for your email. We would have to review your mortgage deeds to find out if we can help you. Do you happen to have a copy? If so, please email a copy to
Kind regards,
eddie posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 6 years, 11 months ago
do independent financial advisors have to be registered with Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores CNMV in Spain and is there any other regulator that they have to be registered with
companies have to be registered and individuals must have specific education and on the following link you can see the studies authorized by CNMV
eddie posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 7 years, 3 months ago
Freedom to choose
We have designed CreditSelect so that investors with marketable offshore investments have the freedom to borrow money against the security of their funds and can choose to use the money as they wish. A wide range of with-profits, equity, fixed interest and cash funds are acceptable to us as collateral against a loan available in…[Read more] -
euaninspain posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Antonio Flores has filed claims against Danske Bank and we await a Court date for a Civil Action…..should be soon as actions were lodged two months ago. Watch this space!!!
euaninspain posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Danske Bank are guilty of Money Laundering and paying bribes of millions through Estonia and have been caught….Now what will happen????
Check this link for yourself:-
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What I don’t understand Antonio Flores is why you can’t represent all the clients under one class action suit. The exact same contracts were signed with OMM and Jykse Bank by many pensioners including my mother whom you have been saying for 10 years you’d get her some recompense and her property returned to her sole name. If it can happen in one case why is the Supreme Court not ruling it for all. I also was under the impression when my mother paid you your fee that she was part of a group claim.
Dear Fiona,
It is not possible to always represent all clients under one class action, there are many factors that influence this:
– The timing of the claim: to have a class action you need to have claimants willing to file a case jointly, at a same time. In respect to Jyske, our clients approached us in different moments in time.
– Courts: Not all tribunals accept joint class actions, the reason being that on miselling claims plaintiffs can be categorized differently based on their profiles (non-experienced or experienced investors) and therefore, what may apply to one claimant may be dismissed for another one. Our firm has filed several class actions of which 2 were accepted by the Courts and with positive result. We did file others where the Courts understood that it would not possible to join claimants, and they should each file independently.
– Defendants: there are instances where not all the defendants are the same since, for example, the introducing agent can be different in which case, there isnt an identity of defendants for all claimants.
When we took one your mother we had not envisaged bringing a class action.
Happy to clarify other points you might have.