• If you are reading this article there is a good chance that you are among the 200 odd owners of Spanish property that took out a mortgage with Manchester Building Society, now part of Newscastle Building […]

  • Court of First Instance 1 in Fuengirola has declared an Equity Release mortgage loan valued at €1.4 million null and void.

    According to the ruling, Nykredit Realkredit A/S (largest lender in Denmark) and S […]

  • Euan Armstrong, President and Founder of the Equity Release Victims’ Association, has finally succeeded in having his 2004 mortgage loan rendered illegal by a Spanish Court.

    When in 2010 Danske […]

    • Even more shocking news!!!! Danske Bank International, Luxembourg, who accepted 250.000.000 euros for their business in February 2022 have still not settled the scam they did on my property in 2004. They lost two Court cases even after being sentenced by the Court of First Instance in Coin in December 2021 to cancel the mortgage and Insurance policies they created illegally AND STILL HAVE NOT REPAID. Latest scandal is that Danske Bank have sold my debt, which they created by equity release, huge mortgage, three insurance policies then losing almost all the “investment”, to Hispania PTG1, SLU, in Madrid. Hispania PTG1 SLU in turn have not settled with my lawyers, Antonio Flores and Juan Martinez of Lawbird. This is a typical addition to the defaults od Danske Bank which should be kept to the notice of everyone. Danske Bank have been found guilty of many misdemeanours including accepting and laundering black money from the Russians and involved in the Panama Papers (another huge money laundering operation). Danske Bank and its management must be found guilty of these crimes and imprisoned. Fines don’t work

    • Even more sad news for any Danske Bank “INVESTORS”. When Danske Bank International sold to UBP of Switzerland for the sum of 250.000.000 euros and the account managers moved to UBP (For example Johnny Bisgaard of Danske Bank now holds an executive position in UBP????? Yet he was one of the account managers who lost on my “INVESTMENT” ….,.,, of 1.000.000 euros taken against my property he and his other cronies lost 960.000 euros in 10 years. I also had a personal investment account of 250.000 euros which Danske Bank Luxembourg took and set it against the money they had lost so that my loss now stands at 690.000 euros !!!!!!! How can that be legal? Mind you nothing else was legal. Time for these people to be held to account

    • trevor replied 1 year ago

      Very good news I lost my home here in the costa blanca ……i was evicted by Nordea Bank.

  • In reply to: aflores wrote a new post, Landsbanki and Jyske Bank are refused to have their cases heard in Luxembourg and Denmark Landsbanki in liquidation (perpetual it seems) and Jyske Bank are trying everything within their […] View

    Dear Mrs Andrew,
    Hopefully you should be receiving notification form the High Court shortly. Court proceedings take time and this pandemic situation has caused further delays due to courts being closed for several months.In any case, please note that you still own your property, Jyske does have a charge (mortgage) on it, but you still own it. This…[Read more]

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, The Lies of The Premier Group (Isle of Man) Limited Uncovered The previous post published on ERVA explains that Michael Richardson, founder of the above 2 companies, does not hide the […] View

    Dear Gloria,
    Many thanks for your request. Please email us on info@erva.es and we will provide you with further informaiton on Manchester Building society mortgages.
    Kind regards

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court of Spain confirms the illegality of 12 equity release mortgages The Supreme Court of Spain has upheld the illegality of 12 mortgage loans valued at six […] View

    We believe you mean to say jurisprudence, as jurisdiction refers to courts dealing with the cases. Yes, this resolution from Supreme Court sets a precedent,however, please bear in mind that Spanish Legal system is different to the UK and it is not based in common law.

  • The Supreme Court of Spain has upheld the illegality of 12 mortgage loans valued at six million euros, granted to British families mostly in Malaga province between 2004 and 2007, and orders land registries […]

    • We believe you mean to say jurisprudence, as jurisdiction refers to courts dealing with the cases. Yes, this resolution from Supreme Court sets a precedent,however, please bear in mind that Spanish Legal system is different to the UK and it is not based in common law.

    • The Supreme Court establishes another important factual point: that SLM was indeed an investment services’ company because “the combination of a loan and its application to an investment fund is a financial instrument of those listed on article 2 of the Stock Exchange Act”, being immaterial if claimants had or not sued related investment companies since who really managed the fund was SLM, and those investment companies were nothing but agents acting for and on behalf of SLM.

      With reference to the above statement would this also apply to Rothschild Credit select Series 4 as Rothschild had the final say in were the investment were placed and with whom they were placed with for investment as the lender had no say in the matter. Rothschild also monitored the investment as they sent out statements when people were in breach of their mortgage loan.

    • SL Mortgage Funding nº1 Limited (SLMF), based in Chester (UK), had not applied for the necessary regulatory permits to legally raise funds from the public and provide an investment service – activities reserved and regulated by the Bank of Spain and the CNMV (financial regulator).

      Whilst Rothschild is registered in Madrid in Spain the Credit Select 4 Series was put together by Rothschild Rothschild Bank (CI) Limited in Guernsey did they the hold necessary regulatory permits to legally raise funds from the public and provide an investment service in the Provence Of Malaga

  • On September 23rd, the First Instance Courts No 2 in Novelda (Alicante) pronounced a sentence whereby a false equity release scheme, signed up by an octogenarian British couple in 2007,  was rendered void […]

    • I doubt if Caixa Bank are worried. They will appeal, the Supreme Court will sit on it for God knows how long and the plaintiffs will pass away before the case is settled. How many of the plaintiffs involved with the Bilboa SLM judgement are still alive?

    • Have the victims received their 400,000€ yet?

    • elaine replied 1 year ago

      Has anybody heard if Caixa Bank paid up?

    • elaine replied 1 year ago

      Have they received their money yet?

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Rothschild lawyers prepare for Court war N.M. Rothschild & Sons has taken the legal defense of the Equity Release (ER) cases in Spain as a matter of life or death. In a very generous […] View

    Dear Johanna,
    Please note that we are unable to provide you with exact informaiton about court cases in Denia as there are several actions going on in that area. We suggest you contact your solicitor who will be able to provide you with all the details. The same applies to the court case to be held in November in Malaga.
    Kind regards

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Round Up of Equity Release Decisions ERVA has compiled a list of known Equity Release Court rulings. The Courts have all found in favour of the victims and ordered the mortgage loans to be […] View

    Dear Lancelot,
    Cassation appeal proceedings do take a long time to be processed, as first Supreme Court has to review the cassation appeal, confirm whether it meets the legal requirements and then, agree to deal with the proceedings. It is impossible to provide with timescales, but if you are part of this legal action, we recomend you to contact…[Read more]

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Court 4 in Fuengirola voids 9 equity release mortgages taken out by British pensioners  Esperanza Broz Martorell, presiding over Court of First Instance 4 in Fuengirola, has d […] View

    Dear Lancelot,

    The information provided here is only general and details of each case are only provided to those clients who are part of the legal action. If you are one of the claimants, we suggest you contact your solicitor who will likely be able to provide you with all the details.

    Kind regards,

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Court 4 in Fuengirola voids 9 equity release mortgages taken out by British pensioners  Esperanza Broz Martorell, presiding over Court of First Instance 4 in Fuengirola, has d […] View

    Dear Lancelot,
    We are still waiting for the court to confirm whether an appeal has been filed or not.
    Kind regards,

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Rothschild lawyers prepare for Court war N.M. Rothschild & Sons has taken the legal defense of the Equity Release (ER) cases in Spain as a matter of life or death. In a very generous […] View

    Dear Lancelot,
    There are several ongoing court cases in Denia, each one has its own hearings.

  • Esperanza Broz Martorell, presiding over Court
    of First Instance 4 in Fuengirola, has declared that 9 mortgage loans worth
    close to 4 million Euros taken out by British property owners with
    Chesire-based […]

    • It is now more than 20 days since the court ruling. Has SLM accepted their fate or have they appealed to the Supreme Court in Madrid just like the Bilboa judgement?

      • Dear Lancelot,
        We are still waiting for the court to confirm whether an appeal has been filed or not.
        Kind regards,

    • How much longer do we have to wait for a response from SLM or the Spanish Courts?

      • Dear Lancelot,

        The information provided here is only general and details of each case are only provided to those clients who are part of the legal action. If you are one of the claimants, we suggest you contact your solicitor who will likely be able to provide you with all the details.

        Kind regards,

    • This thread is old and went quiet. Anyone have any update on the final outcome? Did it get appealed? If not have the plaintiffs had the mortgage charge removed from the land registry? What costs did the plaintiffs have, Any? Or did the bank have to pay costs? If it was appealed what was the outcome?
      Antonio I’m sure you must have these answers?

    • Here we have another case just like mine against Danske Bank who lost three Court decisions and instructions to cancel the illegal mortgages. No mortgage charges have been cancelled as per Court Orders THREE times!!! Has the Spanish Court got no power in Europe???? Now Danske Bank International has been bought by BNP of Switzerland who have in turn sold 4.000.000 euros of debtors to Hispania in Madrid (who are a debt recovery firm)…..For 14 years I have fought DNSKE BANK and their lawyers and every time we have won the Court decision. It is now my intention to name the people who created and sold me this illegal transaction in the first place in 2004. One of them is Johnny Bisgaard who is now a director of BNP Switzerland??? How does that sound?

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, BREAKING NEWS: the BILBAO APPEAL COURT UPHOLDS THE ILLEGALITY OF THE SLM MORTGAGES BREAKING NEWS The Court of Appeal in Bilbao has dismissed totally the appeal launched by the SLM […] View

    Dear William,

    We are still waiting for the Supreme Court to issue a resolution regarding the cassation appeal. We are unable to provide timescales as this depends only on the courts agenda.

    Best regards,

  • N.M. Rothschild & Sons has taken the legal defense of the Equity Release (ER) cases in Spain as a matter of life or death.

    In a very generous interpretation of Spanish procedural laws that allow parties to […]

    • And so the charade goes on. Logically I cannot understand why Rothschild are taking such steps. Surely Rothschild marketing/sales and all there corresponding literature given out to their victims is clear as day. And it cannot be overturned by both past employees or current employees. First, for example the Hacienda (Spanish Tax Office) have deemed that the scheme is anything but IHT tax efficient. Other courts in similar cases against other banks have ruled the same, both on the matter of IHT and other reasons. This scheme is “WHAT IT IS” fraudulent to say the least.

    • And so the charade goes on. What Rothschild can gain from such tactics is hard to comprehend and makes little sense, except of course as anothe delaying tactic. The sales and marketing literature is clear and the benefits stated regarding IHT do not exist as the Tax Office has ruled and has other courts ruled in the past. No Rothschild employee or past employee can overturn this ruling or convince any judge to the contrary. The scheme IS WHAT IT IS” simply FRAUDULENT.

    • Very simple question Dean Murphy was an unregistered IFA in Spain therefore is that even legal under Spanish law.

    • Phony “financial advisors” in association with illegal “product providers” are always financed by a large international Banks (The multi-million fraudsters Premier Group was backed by RBS).
      These crooks have been stealing money from elderly people living in Spain for over 50 years and nobody has been able to effectively stop them. Yet.

      For every 1,000 victims less than 1% obtain any compensation for the loss of their homes and lifetime savings. The Banks continue in this theft knowing they will rarely be prosecuted – and this is why when they are subject to Court proceedings they will use their huge £financial muscle to avoid being found guilty.

      The Banks have bottomless pockets – and other (less savoury) influences….

    • Dear Lancelot,
      There are several ongoing court cases in Denia, each one has its own hearings.

    • Does anybody know when the Rothschild case will come to court in Denia?

    • Dear Johanna,
      Please note that we are unable to provide you with exact informaiton about court cases in Denia as there are several actions going on in that area. We suggest you contact your solicitor who will be able to provide you with all the details. The same applies to the court case to be held in November in Malaga.
      Kind regards

  • It has been a while since our last post, but things have been fairly quiet in the litigation front, save for Landsbanki’s cases.

    Undeterred by recent rotund judicial response against Equity Release […]

    • And so it goes on. Landsbanki will try everything in the book to deny the rights of Spanish residents. Perhaps is is their last throw of the dice, but I would not bet on it. Of course they would like to have these cases transferred to Luxembourg, where financially they would be difficult to bring to the courts. Of course The Luxembourg courts would look favourably on Landsbanki.

      I take my hat of to Lawbird who are fighting for the rights of their clients who ar Spanish residents. What they don’t seem to realise is that Lawbird will never give up this fight. As Sir Winston Churchill said “WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER”

  • In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Rothschild Loses Equity Release Case in Spanish Courts International Property Finance Spain Limited (“IPFSL”), an unregulated corporate ramification of sinister N.M. Rothschild & Sons, […] View

    Dear Gary,
    Have you formally accepted the inheritance at a notary? If you wish, you can email us at info@erva.es and we will provide information on the best course of action.
    Kind regards,

  • admin posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: eddie posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims Just a small question The documents that were signed at the notary for credit select 4 with N M Rothschild & Sons through N M Rothschild & Sons (CI) Limited […] View

    Dear Eddie,

    The fact that they are not regulated does not affect the signatures. On the title deeds, their names do not appear.

    Kind regards,

  • In reply to: aflores wrote a new post, Nykredit and Sydbank Cheated Foreigners with Mortgages Worth Millions Two Danish Companies persuaded British property owners to take out mortgage loans they could not […] View

    Dear Nick,

    Many thanks for your email. We would have to review your mortgage deeds to find out if we can help you. Do you happen to have a copy? If so, please email a copy to info@erva.es.

    Kind regards,

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