robbie4 commented on the post, Nordea Bank S.A. in Switzerland Tries to Hide Crucial Info 11 years, 5 months ago
Well, well, well, rats leaving the sinking ship but trying to take the passengers (us) down with them!! Do they think we, ERVA and our lawyers are all stupid. Keep going Nordea you are making a great job of hanging yourself.
robbie4 commented on the post, Nasty Nordea Bank S.A. Desperate to Shirk Responsibility 11 years, 5 months ago
The acts of the desperate !! Poor old Mr Hertz trying to balance all these balls and dropping most of them. I wonder who pays his salary and more important who pays him the commission for his dirty deeds!!
Once […]
robbie4 commented on the post, Strategic Asset Allocation: Nordea in Spain Trying to Wash Its Face 11 years, 6 months ago
Very clever ERVA. I just pity anybody who is smoothed talked into investing anything with these con merchants. As usual they will wine and dine you, invite you to golf competitions, promise you fantastic returns, […]
robbie4 commented on the post, Report On how Barclays Bank PLC Shockingly Cheated in Spain 11 years, 6 months ago
Yes I agree, well done ERVA on an excellent document. With so much evidence against the banks and proof that we have been conned, when o when will tis all be resolved!!!
robbie4 commented on the post, "ROTHSCHILD PRESENTS a TAILOR-MADE PRODUCT TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS" goes to COURT 11 years, 9 months ago
If anybody can get justice for us it will be Antonio and his great team. Keep up the tremendous work!
robbie4 commented on the post, Rocco CAIRA, lawyer for clandestine SL Mortgage Funding 11 years, 9 months ago
Is there no end to the greed, corruption and desire to make money from the (now poor) and innocent people who trusted these so called “professional” people. I hope that Mr Caira gets his just deserts and is […]
robbie4 commented on the post, Equity Release for Fiscal Planning is Tax Fraud, says Spanish "Hacienda" 12 years ago
Well done ERVA on getting this definitive statement from the Hacienda. So now it is official- we have all been conned! How long now before the Banks have to own up and pay us back. I suppose they will now all be […]
robbie4 commented on the post, Rothschild: we never provided financial advice 12 years, 1 month ago
I maybe way out of date here but situation in the UK used to be that when you dealt with execution only brokers they received no commission nor were there fees or set up charges involved. When you wanted […]
robbie4 commented on the post, Contracts Used to Evade Taxes Declared Void 12 years, 1 month ago
In my eyes these judgments are very important for our cause. If i am reading the article correctly, these judgements were made on contracts where both parties were aware of what was happening. Applying some common […]
robbie4 commented on the post, Courts Voids Mortgage Loan Due to High Complexity 12 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for the comments ERVA. At last some common sense coming forth from the courts. I really hope that Karen is correct and that 2013 will be a memorable year for all the victims of these greedy banks.
robbie4 commented on the post, BFI Consulting, Swiss Life, Nordea Bank Luxembourg and…Allan Graydon! 12 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for the information and update ERVA. You are doing a great job. As we say in England don’t let the bu**ers get you down!!
robbie4 commented on the post, BFI Consulting, Swiss Life, Nordea Bank Luxembourg and…Allan Graydon! 12 years, 1 month ago
I get the impression that if you are a bank in the UK you do not mess with the FSA. You therefore have to ask the question why is Nordea ( a Danish bank) based in Luxembourg and not the UK, perhaps it s for more […]
robbie4 commented on the post, BFI Consulting, Swiss Life, Nordea Bank Luxembourg and…Allan Graydon! 12 years, 1 month ago
Having been referred to this site, because I am a victim of these shady banks and their greedy employees, I am delighted in what I have read so far. I just cannot believe the lies and greedy people that have been […]
robbie4 became a registered member 12 years, 1 month ago