@pjames active 5 years, 4 months ago-
pjames commented on the post, Landsbanki fails to transfer Equity Release cases to Luxembourg 6 years, 1 month ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Landsbanki fails to transfer Equity Release cases to Luxembourg It has been a while since our last post, but things have been fairly quiet in the litigation front, save for Landsbanki’s […] ViewAnd so it goes on. Landsbanki will try everything in the book to deny the rights of Spanish residents. Perhaps is is their last throw of the dice, but I would not bet on it. Of course they would like to have these cases transferred to Luxembourg, where financially they would be difficult to bring to the courts. Of course The Luxembourg courts…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, Rothschild lawyers prepare for Court war 6 years, 1 month ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Rothschild lawyers prepare for Court war N.M. Rothschild & Sons has taken the legal defense of the Equity Release (ER) cases in Spain as a matter of life or death. In a very generous […] ViewAnd so the charade goes on. What Rothschild can gain from such tactics is hard to comprehend and makes little sense, except of course as anothe delaying tactic. The sales and marketing literature is clear and the benefits stated regarding IHT do not exist as the Tax Office has ruled and has other courts ruled in the past. No Rothschild employee or…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, Rothschild lawyers prepare for Court war 6 years, 1 month ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Rothschild lawyers prepare for Court war N.M. Rothschild & Sons has taken the legal defense of the Equity Release (ER) cases in Spain as a matter of life or death. In a very generous […] ViewAnd so the charade goes on. Logically I cannot understand why Rothschild are taking such steps. Surely Rothschild marketing/sales and all there corresponding literature given out to their victims is clear as day. And it cannot be overturned by both past employees or current employees. First, for example the Hacienda (Spanish Tax Office) have…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, OLD MUTUAL INTERNATIONAL (ISLE OF MAN) LOSES JURISDICTION BATTLE 6 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, OLD MUTUAL INTERNATIONAL (ISLE OF MAN) LOSES JURISDICTION BATTLE A very worried Old Mutual International Isle of Man has lost its bid to have the Spanish Courts deny jurisdiction to judge […] ViewUnbelievable. These banks will stoop to any measures to keep these out of the Spanish Courts. I can understand why as it does seem that every month courts are ruling against these predatory banks.
pjames commented on the post, OLD MUTUAL INTERNATIONAL (ISLE OF MAN) LOSES JURISDICTION BATTLE 6 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, OLD MUTUAL INTERNATIONAL (ISLE OF MAN) LOSES JURISDICTION BATTLE A very worried Old Mutual International Isle of Man has lost its bid to have the Spanish Courts deny jurisdiction to judge […] ViewUnbelievable. I hope this is not fake news.
pjames commented on the post, Nykredit and Sydbank Cheated Foreigners with Mortgages Worth Millions 6 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: aflores wrote a new post, Nykredit and Sydbank Cheated Foreigners with Mortgages Worth Millions Two Danish Companies persuaded British property owners to take out mortgage loans they could not […] ViewGreat news yet again for all victims of the the now infamous equity release/Insurance scams.
pjames commented on the post, Nykredit and Sydbank Cheated Foreigners with Mortgages Worth Millions 6 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: aflores wrote a new post, Nykredit and Sydbank Cheated Foreigners with Mortgages Worth Millions Two Danish Companies persuaded British property owners to take out mortgage loans they could not […] View..Great news again for all those scammed by banks peddling illegal investments/life insurance products. It has taken a lot of time but now month by month the courts are hearing all these cases and ruling in favour of the luckless ex-pats.
pjames commented on the post, Court Orders Stay on Nordea's Foreclosure Proceedings 7 years, 1 month ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Court Orders Stay on Nordea's Foreclosure Proceedings An Estepona Court has order an indefinite stay of proceedings in respect to a foreclosure case brought by Nordea against a Danish […] ViewI could not agree more. The mere mention of banks, investment portfolios and 5 year horizons sends shivers down my spine. Nordea was one of the worst culprits. Their method was somewhat simplified, to their minds. Once they had lost some 25% of the value of the portfolio they converted the investments to cash as they admitted they did not want to…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, BREAKING NEWS: the BILBAO APPEAL COURT UPHOLDS THE ILLEGALITY OF THE SLM MORTGAGES 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, BREAKING NEWS: the BILBAO APPEAL COURT UPHOLDS THE ILLEGALITY OF THE SLM MORTGAGES BREAKING NEWS The Court of Appeal in Bilbao has dismissed totally the appeal launched by the SLM […] ViewIt will be interesting to see if SLM decide to apply for permission to take this to the Supreme Court. I presume if they did and again lost then the Supreme Court could make a ruling that would benefit all victims of the various banks involved. I am also surprised that the Spanish regulatory body have not yet become involved and fined these banks.…[Read more]
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, CHANGE OF FORTUNES: BANKS SET TO LOSE MILLIONS WORTH OF EQUITY RELEASE CONTRACTS A recent ruling by the Appeal Court of Bilbao -confirming an earlier ruling by the Court of First […] ViewCongratulations to all SLM victims caught up in this scam. Hopefully the Courts of First Instance will take this on board and rule accordingly against any bank or financial institution tha5 have peddled their products in Spain
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, CHANGE OF FORTUNES: BANKS SET TO LOSE MILLIONS WORTH OF EQUITY RELEASE CONTRACTS A recent ruling by the Appeal Court of Bilbao -confirming an earlier ruling by the Court of First […] ViewCongratulations to all SLM victims. It has taken some 9 years to get to this stage, but worth it in the end. Hopefully the Courts of First Instance will take this on board and uphold this very important and ground breaking ruling
pjames commented on the post, Founder Member and President of ERVA celebrates Court victory over DANSKE BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A. 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Founder Member and President of ERVA celebrates Court victory over DANSKE BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A. Euan Armstrong, member founder and current President of ERVA, has managed to persuade a […] ViewHello Euan. Some success at last. Let’s hope the next stage of the fight will be equally successful and you and all victims will one day be clear of these fraudsters.
pjames commented on the post, Bilbao Court Issues Broad Enforcement Proceedings Against Surrenda Link Mortgage Funding 7 years, 9 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Bilbao Court Issues Broad Enforcement Proceedings Against Surrenda Link Mortgage Funding Court of First Instance 11 in Bilbao has accepted a motion by claimants to enforce proceedings […] ViewThis was meant to be posted under the Rothschild posting. No matter the same applies to the victims of the surrender linked Mortgages.
pjames commented on the post, Bilbao Court Issues Broad Enforcement Proceedings Against Surrenda Link Mortgage Funding 7 years, 9 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Bilbao Court Issues Broad Enforcement Proceedings Against Surrenda Link Mortgage Funding Court of First Instance 11 in Bilbao has accepted a motion by claimants to enforce proceedings […] ViewReally great news for the Rothschild victims. I would agree with Steve. Why should victims have to pay anything back. Surely they are the ones who should be receiving compensation from the crooks who sold them the fraudulent schemes in the first place.
pjames commented on the post, LANDSBANKI's attempt to evict an 85-year old suffering from Alzheimer comes to a halt 8 years, 1 month ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, LANDSBANKI's attempt to evict an 85-year old suffering from Alzheimer comes to a halt Landsbanki’s Yvette Hamilius could not care less about people. The insensitive, greedy and immoral […] ViewThis woman the devil incarnate is a disgrace to hunanity, in the old days she would be hung, drawn and quartered and the pieces left on the bridges over the River Seine. Are there no lengths these people will stoop to to deny such elderly people the right to live in peace. Have they not inflicted enough pain on the elderly with their fraudulent…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, A Judge nullifies 12 equity release mortgages worth 6 million Euros 8 years, 2 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, A Judge nullifies 12 equity release mortgages worth 6 million Euros Source: Diario Sur The sale was conducted through commission-driven financial advisors based in Estepona, Marbella and […] ViewSpectacular is one word, especially in light of recent bizarre rulings handed down by other courts in similar pleadings. The recent Landsbanki ruling in the criminal court in San Roque is a prime example. After some 10 years of purgatory for many ex-pats other banks will surely follow suit. Unfortunately these activities have taken their toll and…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, A Judge nullifies 12 equity release mortgages worth 6 million Euros 8 years, 2 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, A Judge nullifies 12 equity release mortgages worth 6 million Euros Source: Diario Sur The sale was conducted through commission-driven financial advisors based in Estepona, Marbella and […] ViewSpectacular in many respects especially as we have seen in the past the bizarre rulings other courts of First Instance in similar cases afainst other perpetrating banks. The criminal case against Landsbanki heard recently in the San Roque court comes to mind. However Landsbanki are due to appear in January in the criminal court in Paris and…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, Rothschild's Awful Banking Practices Exposed on French Television 8 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, Rothschild's Awful Banking Practices Exposed on French Television It was about time the “Baron’s” infamous banking antics were exposed in his motherland, France. “Envoye Special”, a weekly […] ViewVery interesting as to why the French media has taken to reporting these events in France. Perhaps Rothschild has also conned the French in mush the same way as Landsbanki have done. Let’s hope this will help the French criminal case in Paris due for trial in early January.
pjames commented on the post, BREAKING NEWS: BILBAO COURT NULLIFIES 12 SLM MORTGAGE LOANS WORTH 6 MILLION EUROS 8 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, BREAKING NEWS: BILBAO COURT NULLIFIES 12 SLM MORTGAGE LOANS WORTH 6 MILLION EUROS Court 11 in Bilbao has invalidated 12 Equity Release IHT mitigation mortgage loans sold to the public by […] ViewSome goodness for a change. Slowly but surely the banks are receiving their just rewards and being brought to account. Now it is time for all banks including those mentioned by Euan owned up and settled with their unfortunate clients and let them get in with their lives in retirement. Goodness knows they make enough money with resorting to…[Read more]
pjames commented on the post, BREAKING NEWS: BILBAO COURT NULLIFIES 12 SLM MORTGAGE LOANS WORTH 6 MILLION EUROS 8 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: admin wrote a new post, BREAKING NEWS: BILBAO COURT NULLIFIES 12 SLM MORTGAGE LOANS WORTH 6 MILLION EUROS Court 11 in Bilbao has invalidated 12 Equity Release IHT mitigation mortgage loans sold to the public by […] ViewThere is very little to say except slowly but surely these banks are being brought to justice. Is it not time now for the banks mentioned , amongst others, by Euan above, realised their coming fate, settle with their clients and let us all enjoy our retirement.
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