• paul posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Eddie If the legal or illegal IFA has no assets or insurance then even if you win you will not get i cent back. if your case is older than 6 years you will not be able to take action inthe U.K you will be able to take action in Spain Probably only against the bank as the IFA s INVOLVED HAVE ALL SCARPERED. the banks however should not have being involved with these products in the first place. Contact Antoino Flores, IF YOU HAVE NOT YET DONE SO.

    • Paul & Eddie. Does it really matter if the IFA’s have scarpered. From what I understand that if the advice given by the IFA’s that these schemes were for the purpose of evading taxes, whether Wealth Tax or IHT then the courts have ruled that the contract should be made null & void. And does it matter if the IFA’s are not around to defend their case. Surely if all the victims could get their peoperties back free of encumbrances then it would be something. As it is to keep in this schemes are a slippery road to nowhere.