jegra posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims 13 years ago
At the moment we are having difficulty getting our solicitor to respond to any queries we have. We changed ffrom IURA to Salvador Martinez-Echevarria beacuse we were not getting any response from them and now we are back in the same boat. It seems once they have your money – 5000Eiros to IURA and 1000 to Salvador – they lose interest in you. Has…[Read more]
jegra joined the group Rothschild Victims 13 years ago
jegra became a registered member 13 years ago
Hello Jegra, welcome to ERVA unfortunately this seems to be a common complaint, however we at ERVA are approaching the problem of equity release and the associated frauds in a different way. We believe the only way to solve our problems is to have all these banks and unlicenced IFA’s denounced on a criminal basis, which of course we have by…[Read more]
Fingers crossed and what great news that two cases have been accepted, looking forward to more news on that front.
Yes 5000 to IURA and 2000 to Salvador. I never liked IURA but am very disappointed in Salvador to be honest.