bustedflush posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 9 years, 9 months ago
If you cant be bothered to sign for your own sake why should anyone else care?
“Do not lie down but stand up and fight them!"
bustedflush posted an update in the group Rothschild Victims 9 years, 9 months ago
If you cant be bothered to sign for your own sake why should anyone else care?
I have tried several times to access the link to the petition & sign but the message tells me the server is having problems and it is encrypted. Not being particularly computer savvy, any ideas please?.
Hi Celia,
You are not alone so don’t worry! Please click on the link below and try what they suggest they are very helpful. Its not too complicated so take your time.
Thanks for letting me know much appreciated
Celia let me know how you get on please.
Hi Jean. Phew, I don’t know how but I´ve done it!!! or rather I think I have? Can you confirm its ok please.
Thanks for your help.
HI Celia, It has not appeared yet but it does take about 24hrs sometimes. I hope you are right and will keep you advised tomorrow. Well done.
Celia your signature is on the petition well done.