euaninspain posted an update in the group
Danske Bank Victims 9 years ago
It appears to have been OVERLOOKED that Danske Bank lost their case against the Norwegian 81 year old who lost his money. The Benidorm Court sentence follows and is easily translated by Google.
This sentence was carried out in Benidorm on 31st March 2015 and the Judge ruled that Danske Bank must cancel the debt of 650.000 euros forthwith. The judgement is 24 pages long and can be seen by asking Antonio Flores for the document SENTENCIA ORDINARIO 2279-2010-3.pdf (pages 1 to 24) /tmp/PreviewPasteboardItems/SENTENCIA ORDINARIO 2279-2010-4 (dragged).pdf
Here it is:- Another colleague in Benidorm won its mis-selling case against Danske Bank. In the ruling, the Court confirms that Danske offered this as a tax mitigation tool. In this instance, the lawyer did not invoke the Tax Office ruling that deems this tax fraud even if it, as it happened, was not required.