• eddie posted an update in the group Group logo of Rothschild VictimsRothschild Victims 9 years, 7 months ago

    I was working to find some information for a client and found the following Rothschild website creditselect.gg set up in 2001 and closed down in 2005. The information that I found is as follows.

    Freedom to choose
    We have designed CreditSelect so that investors with marketable offshore investments have the freedom to borrow money against the security of their funds and can choose to use the money as they wish. A wide range of with-profits, equity, fixed interest and cash funds are acceptable to us as collateral against a loan available in several major currencies.

    This site allows all professional financial advisory firms with whom we have agreed terms of business to have access to all the information needed to promote and deliver CreditSelect to their clients. If we have agreed terms of business with you, you will have been given a password. By providing the current password and clicking below you will be able to enter the protected area and have full access to this site.
    If you are interested in finding out more about CreditSelect and have the potential to write £10 million (or other currency equivalents) of lending business per annum, click here to download the Guide for Financial Advisers, The Guide for Clients and an Application to Submit Business

    I have the down load if anybody is interested