bustedflush posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 10 years ago
Truly shocked our case has to go to appeal in the High Court in Malaga.
The court technology failed, the trial was not recorded properly plus the court translator did not stand near enough the microphone. To me, Its a joke. Appeal is in but will be a year + before it will be heard. The question is will the HIgh court technology fail as well? You never know whats around the corner.
‘You must be very upset, I’m not sure what this means.
Who is appealing what?
Its how its done here, our trial was null and void and we are appealing that fact. in the High Court in malaga. its not the same as uk
What a farce! How can it take a judge over 7 months to decide that the case had not been properly recorded? I assume that as it was the ineptitude of the Court that meant they could not reach a verdict, that it will be they who bear the costs of ALL the expenses of the retrial. Not a great advertisement for the Spanish judicial system!
The longer I have to think about this the more ridiculous the whole story sounds. No we have to pay 4k court fees to register the appeal.
You have to think whether or not it was an accident or not and then think what will they do next,