bustedflush posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 10 years, 5 months ago
Hello Spiddy, The case went well. Dewsnip lied as usual our lawyer Salvador Martinez Eschevarria could not have done more he was brilliant. We now have to await the verdict due Oct time.
I really hope that you are successful. I am so glad to hear that Salvador was brilliant as he is also representing us.
Salvador was great I can assure you. this link is worth a read
Some time ago you asked about progress with complaints sent to the Ise of Man government about the activities of the Premier Low Risk Fund and its connection to the Equity Release Schemes …
Sorry for the delay but if you would care to contact me I can provide further details.
Thank you. Very useful. One thing though I didnt know that the CDSAG were still in existence as I have never been able to contact them.
Thanks Bustedflush. Dewsnip lying? Surely not . . .?
Nah, only joking!!
Have you tried via the website http://www.costa-action.co.uk/