CarterRuck posted an update in the group
Rothschild Victims 8 years, 1 month ago
Dear All,
We are a London based solicitors firm and we write in relation to ongoing litigation taking place in the UK against N M Rothschild & Sons.
We are acting for two couples in court proceedings against N M Rothschild & Sons in the UK concerning a Scheme called “CreditSelect Series 4”. We understand that some of the individuals on this website may have had some involvement in the Scheme which was being widely promoted in Spain in 2005 and 2006. For the purposes of the litigation, we are looking for people who attended one or more presentations for the Scheme at which Stephen Dewsnip of Rothschild spoke. Please note that we do not require that this resulted in entry to the Scheme, only that they can speak about the events which took place at the presentation which they attended. If you are able to help in this regard, please do get in contact with us either via email to lawyers@carter-ruck.com or telephone on 0207 353 5005.
Yours faithfully,
Carter-Ruck Solicitors